guptaas;358850 Wrote: 
> Using a Transporter for direct PC playback in my setup seems a bit
> awkward. Attenuators inside should allow direct connection to the power
> amp using balanced outputs.
The internal attenuators in the Transporter only work on the unbalanced
outputs, so if you had a gain staging issue with the balanced outputs,
you'd need to install some external passive attenuators. Note that I am
NOT suggesting the unbalanced outputs are preferable in this situation:
in my experience balanced connections routinely sound better than
unbalanced (for reasons unknown, but I suspect it may be something to
do with grounding issues).

guptaas;358850 Wrote: 
> Will the volume control work with the Toslink input?
Yes it will. The Transporter's volume control works on all the digital
inputs that I've tried (which is all of them except the AES/EBU one).

guptaas;358850 Wrote: 
> And will any improvement in quality over the Benchmark be limited by my
> amp or speakers making the whole effort futile?
Quite possibly. And bear in mind that the Benchmark and Transporter are
in the same league, sound quality-wise. Their differences are more down
to personal preference then any clear-cut objective ranking. You might
be one those people who prefer the Benchmark.

My personal feeling is that the Transporter probably isn't an
appropriate device for your requirements. Stick with the Benchmark and
find a way to get it working properly.


Transporter -> ATC SCM100A
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