BigBirdy;378195 Wrote: 
> I am anticipating getting a Transporter soon so had a question about hi
> res files, specifically 24/88, 24/96 and 24/192 FLAC's. I run a Musical
> Fidelity Tri-Vista DAC 21 so what would be the best way to use the
> Transporter in my system? I truly love the warmth and transparency of
> the 21, so would like to continue using it. However, I am not sure what
> happens to the signal if the 21 is given a 24/88,24/96,24/192 signal out
> of the Transporter. Will it try to upsample it? Will it leave it
> untouched? Would I be better off using the analog outputs of the
> Transporter straight into my pre-amp?
> Any suggestions?

Well, for one thing, you don't have to worry about 24/192 FLAC's, as
the Transporter doesn't support them...  (in fact neither does SPDIF
officially, and even further, neither does your Tri-Vista) 

I looked at the manual, which is one of the thinest I've seen in a
while, and it appears to upsample everything to either 96k or 192k
depending on the switch setting.  I'd suggest you compare the analog
out of the Transporter to your Tri-Vista and see which you prefer.


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