I've been using my Transporter for almost a year now without
experiencing any problems. However, lately whenever my Transporter is
idle - either not playing any music or "switched off" with the display
showing only the time - then both the displays flash brightly every 30
seconds or so. This happens irrespective of the brightness level. I've
also determined that it isn't just a brightness flash since it is still
visible with both the displays on their brightest. When the flash
appears it happens simultaneously for both displays. It is too quick to
see what is being displayed though. The strange thing is that it does
not happen while I'm playing music through the Transporter. 

I've reset the Transporter (switching it on while pressing ADD button
on the remote), but no luck. The problem still persists. Has anybody
experienced a similar problem? At first I suspected it may be a
hardware problem, but then it would also show while playing music. So
my guess is it may be a firmware/software problem. 

Here is the information from my SqueezeCenter:

Version: 7.3.1 - 24372 @ Fri Dec 19 17:56:44 PST 2008
Operating system: Windows XP - EN - cp1252
Platform Architecture: 586
Perl Version: 5.8.8 - MSWin32-x86-multi-thread
MySQL Version: 5.0.22-community-nt
Total Players Recognized: 1

And my Transporter information:

Player Model: transporter
Firmware: 71
Wireless Signal Strength: 83%
Voltage: 234


Jaco's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=10726
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=58443

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