agentsmith;392448 Wrote: 
> Yes it does sound like the Transporter runs with the best of them.  I
> was wondering how people acquainted with high end DAC costing 10X+ of
> the Benchmark or Lavry DACs think of how the Transporter analog stacks
> up.  

I am running my Transporter into the digital input of an APL NWO 3.0. I
have also run the XLR analog balanced outputs of the Transporter through
the NWO in bypass mode. The NWO is running direct to the amp. I was able
to compare the Transporter analog outputs to sound processed through the
NWOs DAC and also to the same CD playing on the NWO. My Transporter has
clock and power supply mods by APL but none to the analog output stage.
I use the BNC digital output.

My opinion is that the Transporter analog ouput sounds very good
provided that the volume level is kept in is kept high enough so that
bits are not disgarded.  Compared to the NWO in DAC mode, the analog
output sounds a bit dry. It is easy to compare the sound of the
attentuators and the NWO's is much better. It operates in analog mode
at higher volume settings and switches over to digital attentuation at
lower volumes. Transporter owners can add analog attentuators to their
system if driving amps directly. 

As far as CDs playing on the NWO versus the Transporter, the NWO has
superior resolution on well recorded CDs. The degree depends on the
digital cable used and this is probably system dependent. My goal was
to find the cable that sounded closest to the NWO in CD mode. After
trying several, I chose the Von Gaylord digital. It took several months
for thia cable to break in and at first sounded not as good than some
others I was trying (ART, Von Gaylord analog, various CATV samples,
closet cables). With these other cables there was some degree of a
signature (hardness, dialectric signature, impaired focus or other
subtle irritaion) evident. Currently the transport in the NWO is used
mostly to play SACD and DVD-As. 90% of CD listening is done using the
Transporter driving its DAC.


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