cybervision_;400052 Wrote: 
> I am considering using the Transporter as my preamp in my stereo-setup.
> I will then have all my music losslessy on a NAS-device and my speakers
> are Gallo 3.1s. I will use a poweramp in between naturally.
> I have some questions:
> - I like to get TV sound through my stereo, but my TV only has RCA
> output (Panasonic TH42PX80). Is it possible to get sound from my TV
> through the Transporter?
> - How good is the sound through the Transporter, are we talking
> -highend-, or just good?

Answer to your first question: Maybe

Reason: The Transporter only has digital inputs but your TV has both
digital and analog audio outputs. If the digital output is just a plain
stereo signal and not a mutlichannel encoded Dolby digital signal it
should work okay. The Transporter cannot decode a multichannel digital
signal. I can't give you a better answer since the Panasonic web site
doesn't say what type of signal (stereo or multichannel) the digital
output carries.

Possible alternative solution: instead of a power amp use an integrated
amp or a pre-amp and a power amp (if you already own the power amp).

Answer to second question: The sound of the Transporter is very much
-highend-. It compares quite favorably with CD players and DACs costing
considerably more than $2,000. However, I do not my Transporter as a
preamp since I have a preamp in my system so that I can play vinyl
(just don't let the other forum members know that I still listen to
vinyl ;))


Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels -> Snatch -> The Transporter ->
Transporter 2

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