I'm an audiophile - good or bad, I can't help it.  I do things on
impulse - sometimes...okay, a lot of times, against my better judgment,
all in the pursuit of "music fidelity."  This explains why I added a
Channel Islands VDC-9.0 Ps...expensive IEC AC cable, umbilical...the
works.  Here's where the, "I told you so" comes in - I think the
aftermarket PS is causing some issues.  I will try to determine this by
making some comparisons to the OMC PS this weekend, but for now, I am
interested in some opinions of those who have tried, or are utilizing
aftermarket linear power supplies (it would be great to hear from anyone
using the CI product).  First, should the Duet receiver be warm at all
(slightly warm on the bottom of the unit). Second, with a linear PS,
does anyone hear - how do I describe this - "white noise"...err, the
noise that some amplifiers make when no music is playing, but the volume
is turned up - a kind of "airy" hiss (not a ground loop issue)?  I
didn't notice this at first, but on quite music passages I can hear this
noise.  Third, this will be hard to explain - when I crank the volume, I
can actually feel low frequency air movement (as you would during loud
playback of music with low frequency passages) at the beginning of a
song, prior to the music even being played.

Now, I haven't put the stock OMC PS back in to see if any of these
things occur, but I'm thinking these issues are being caused by the
aftermarket PS.

Does any of this sound familiar?  Has anyone had the same or similar
experiences?  I don't care if anyone wants to say, "I told you so" - it
wouldn't have helped anyway...I have a condition, I'm an audiophile.

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