I gave up reading HiFi magazines years ago so I was hanging on to the
conventional wisdom that the Toslink light-pipe was inferior to the
cable alternatives because of the interface hardware available. What had
always puzzled me was that Alesis chose an optical link as an option for
its 8 channel studio ADAT standard. If studio hardware could cope with 8
channels at 48kHz/24bit down a light-pipe why couldn't domestic stereo
do justice to just 2 channels at 44.1kHz/16bit?

So, it seems it could - and can - given an appropriate DAC. I dug out
an old (10+ years) Cambridge Audio TOSLINK cable and hooked it up
between my SB3 and MF kW250S realising instant A/B comparison was
possible. I have a less than stellar listening room and Castle speakers,
but within those limitations the difference between TOSLINK and Kimber
digital cable at first sounded negligible. If anything, the TOSLINK has
a bit more clarity so I am going to switch to that and assume that the
electrical isolation might have some bearing. Longer-term listening and
evaluation is required.

Note: the MF DAC re-samples / up-samples and so, in theory, this should
eliminate any jitter discrepancies between the 2 input types.

So thanks for this great thread and encouraging me to try something
that might add to musical enjoyment, even if only marginally.


SB3, Boom, Musical Fidelity kW250S, Castle Stirling 3's
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