Phil Leigh;448397 Wrote: 
> My friend who owns a large fibre-cable manufacturing company laughs
> every time I mention glass to him...

Glass fibre is better, but...
All glass toslink cables I've seen bundle many glass fibers together,
and if their lengths aren't precisely the same, you will smear the
transitions, possibly making things worse than a single plastic fiber! 
Worse, many glass fiber cables have poorly fitting terminations which
also causes problems.  I bought glass fiber cable to experiment with,
and when it arrived I discovered it has a round ferule on the end, not
the proper D shaped toslink end.  It doesn't mate well with the
connectors, and actually causes total signal loss if it isn't held
pretty much straight into the connector.  

In my experience, glass toslink cables are best -avoided- and I
certainly don't recommend them!

Now ST glass connectors are an entirely different kettle of fish, but
little gear use them....



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