krochat;449655 Wrote: 
> Well, here's some theory...
> I agree that I mis-stated the claim. It should have been more like
> "theoretically, bi-wiring might make a difference in the sound."
> Here's the conclusion of the article:
> "Thus we can conclude that there may be a small effect due to
> bi-wiring... but it may normally be so small as to have little
> significance. In order to say more, a detailed model of specific
> realistic systems, and/or some precise measurements, would be required.
> These might reveal a more noticeable effect in some cases, but the above
> taken by itself implies the effects will usually be very small if low
> series impedance cables are used. 
> It is also perhaps worth bearing in mind that - even in a case where
> any change in frequency response is large enough to be audible - this
> does not establish that the bi-wired arrangement will inevitably then be
> “better” than using a single cable. That would depend upon the
> circumstances of use, and the preferences of the listener."
> Regards,
> Kim

And the article takes the quote "Unfortunately, these claims are
generally unclear in technical terms, and there is a general lack of any
reliable analysis or measured data to support the claims." and leaps to
the wrong conclusion to satisfy the people who listen to the BS without
saying anything important.

Seriously, the only case where bi-wiring is a good idea is when you
have individual conductors that are too small to carry the required
current on their own.  This is what a litz wire is.

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