guptaas;456684 Wrote: 
> An HTPC is the most flexible option of course and I'll probably try it
> anyway. It does bring us back to the music quality issue though. For
> films the S/PDIF or HDMI from the PC will be sufficient. That is not,
> however, ideal for stereo music. My basic question still is about
> combining music with movies. I wouldn't waste high end speakers and a
> Transporter on a setup where something else in the chain is a
> limitation.

Why is S/PDIF not good for Stereo listening? If one has the proper DAC
it can be perfect for listening to stereo.

I think I have a fairly good HT setup with an even better Stereo setup.
Transporter and HT can live well together. Does you Pre-amp have HT

To me the real key is making a decision. Does one want great stereo, or
great HT, or both? It is fairly easy to have great stereo and fairly
easy to have great HT, the problem seems to come into play in trying to
do both with shared equipment in my opinion. So if its both, I feel one
has to work harder and pick proper components. This is usually a little
more expensive, the end results are much better in my opinion. By not
making the decision to pay more for the components to have both be
great, one ends up compromising one or the other and sometimes both.

Also the Vortexbox solution is a good solution to put both music and
movies on a media server.

So yes, one might have to spend some money, but it is fairly easily
accomplished. This is not for the person that believes HTIAB is media
room Home Theater.


Media Room:
Transporter, VTL TL-6.5 Signature Pre-Amp, Ayre MX-R Mono's, VeraStarr
6.4SE 6-channel Amp, Vandersteen Speakers: Quatro Mains, VCC-5 Reference
Center, four VSM-1 Signatures, Video: Runco RS 900 CineWide AutoScope

Living Room:
Duet, ADCOM GTP-870HD, Cinepro 3K6SE III Gold, Vandersteen Model 3A
Signature, Two 2Wq subs, VCC-2, Two VSM-1  

Kitchen: Squeezebox BOOM
Bedroom: Second Boom
Bathroom: Squeezebox Radio
Ford Thunderbird: Duet, Mac Mini
Ford Expedition: SB Touch, USB drive
iPhone's Profile:
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