I will second the motion for a trigger and 12V works for me :-)

As far as the wireless you can add more Access points on a different
Channel (try to pick a channel 3 numbers off the first)connect the
server and access points into a ethernet switch and you can run more
wireless devices.


2 Channel listening Room:
Transporter, Arcam C31 and Arcam P1 Mono Blocks feeding ATC SCM19s
Cable and interconnects are both Kimber. HP media server with 4TB of
storage connected to the whole house GB network. (in media closet)
Media Room:Sony 70" SXRD, 4 NHT VT-2 Biamped (running all 4 subs) 4 NHT
VS-2. Outlaw 990 6 Yamaha MX-2000 amps 4 NHT SA-2 amps (Sub amps) PS3
with 500GB onboard and 4TB external storage.
Master BR: Sony 56" XBR4 and Yamaha YSP-4000 sound bar fed from media
Ozz's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=31687
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=69447

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