FARQ;481382 Wrote: 
> there is nothing I can do with the layout of the room, the position of
> the speakers, or re-arranging the position of the TP in my stack,
> unfortunately...  ... so my only option is to keep the TP where it is,
> on top of the rotel and under the beyonwiz... 

Swiching up from the Denon to the Rotel may make a difference, but only
in certain formats.  If you're focusing on the TP sound, then I'd hazard
to say the difference would be slight.  If you're going for
home-theater, then I'd put my chips on the Rotel over the Denon.

But again, my primary concern would be moving the TP and Beyonwiz.  The
cost of both adding to over $3k, it'd be sad to loose or shorten their
life because of the heat off of the amp.  How about a DIY fix using a
laptop cooler or even computer tower fans?

But -- I may be off base.  Perhaps the TP will survive the heat, or at
least protect the DVD unit.


-I like it, you may not.  I understand and respect that.-
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