JJZolx wrote:
> They probably have a certain number of motherboards or chassis left
> from a production run a couple years back and when they're gone, they're
> gone.

I see zero evidence of this, or any reason to say this. The TP is an
audiophile market, which is, by definition, a hand made niche. Nearly
all audiophile gear is hand made on a bench. The chassis and
motherboards are not a big deal. Nor is the surface mount soldering.

The expensive stuff is done, was done years ago. Making five or ten is
not a big deal.

I can see a desire to not keep a lot of inventory, and I could even see
a rationale for Logitech spinning off the rights to make more of them to
Tiny Garage Audiophile company. Assuming that there is a demand.

Audiophiles are a tiny, tiny market. There just are not enough of us to
count to any big company.

I agree that a Transporter 2 is most unlikely, unless TGA decides its
needed, and I expect that TGA can't afford the engineering.

Pat Farrell

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