On 16/11/09 17:39, kphinney wrote:
> tomjtx;486086 Wrote: 
>> The recording engineers aren't necessarily the one's that came up with
>> that silly PRAT terminology.
>> Besides, they are engineers, not musicians.
>> I have been a....[ yadda yadda yadda...]  As a trained musician I find
>> myself feeling embarased for the Linn "engineers" when they display
>> there utter lack of musical knowledge.
> Yet you still insist that I can't make a valid judgment without an SPL?

He's right. All other things being equal, louder will sound better, so
it's important to level match before comparing. Otherwise, you could
just be determining which option is the higher level.

> I prefer to go with what my ears want

Right, this is the only really valid approach. Your ears are the most
important judge. However, it is important to understand their
limitations, and how easily they are fooled by your brain. Hence the
need to eliminate expectation bias.

> not engineers from Linn or MD PhD BA and Total BS forum trolls.

Tom is not a troll. Please open your mind to the advice you're being
given, rather than fighting it.

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