This is getting to look very much like arguing for ego rather than truth, 
otherwise known as trolling. If it were not, there would be no need to start 
reaching for such patently - and ludicrously - false analogies and .

Does it really need to be said that the closer one is to a musician, the more 
accurate one's perception is likely to be of the sound being produced - not the 
better that that musician will sound? Does it really need to be spelled out 
that distance and volume do not alter perceptions of interpretation, but 
perceptions of timbre, and (depending on the acoustic in the hall) possibly 
tuning? Isn't it astonishingly obvious that the closer you get to a good 
violinist with a good timbre playing in tune on a good instrument the better it 
will sound, provided there are no other questions of balance with other 
instruments or voices to consider, and that you don't actually disappear into 
his soundbox? But that the further you are from a bad violinist playing with a 
poor timbre on a cheap instrument the better? And does it really need to be 
repeated that audio is about getting the most accurate reproduction of a 
performance, not about getting the best sound, so that if you listen on the 
 best possible set up to a poor performance by a poor musician on a poor 
instrument, that that is exactly what you will hear? And that if instead you 
can mistake that musician for Menuhin on a Stradivarius there is something very 
wrong with your equipment? (Especially if he happens to be playing the trumpet 
at the time).

And does it really need to be pointed out that you are by no means the only 
trained, experienced, or expert professional musician on this forum?

On 17 Nov 2009, at 08:46, JezA wrote:

> Do you need to level match two pianists to make a judgement about their
> ability?
> Do you have to sit in the same seat in a concert hall to judge two
> performances?
> Will sitting close to a bad violinist make them sound better than
> sitting further away from a good one?
> -- 
> JezA
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