
It doesn't seem like it was that long ago that you were so cool if you
had a CD player.  I got my first one in 1988.  That was 21 years ago!!

And then there was the portable CD player - the CD walkman.  Then you
were really stylin'.

It all seems so quaint now :-).  The portable CD player is now the
equivilent of the brick cell phones from the 80's.  Walk around with one
of them an you will look like quite the dork.

I for one think it's awesome how it's evolved.  Since I was a kid,
music and computers were may main interests and passion.  To have the 2
merged together has been a huge source of enjoyment for me!


Setup: 2 SB3s, 3 Booms, 1 duet, 1 receiver.  SuSE 11.0 Server running
SqueezeCenter 7.3.3, MusicIP, and SqueezeSlave.  
Current library stats: 30,015 songs, 2,448 albums, 451 artists.
Kraftwerk's "The Catalog", Miles Davis' Amazon exclusive ~70 CD box
set, and U2's "The Unforgettable Fire" box are next in line to burden my
credit card :-).  Too many good releases in a short period of time.
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