Phil Leigh;511290 Wrote: 
> I can't speak for Logitech, I think it was a BIG mistake sending folks
> off down the black alley that is "oh yeah sure you can run SBS on a
> NAS".
> Not if you like super snappy performance, transcoding, SOX resampling
> and a bunch of other stuff it isn't!
> The song doubling can be fixed... the performance can't.
> Put your music on the NAS for sure. Run SBS somewhere (anywhere!)
> else...
> However, a NAS is rather expensive vs <$100 for a 1Tb USB drive... (of
> which you need 2 of course. Among the many things a NAS isn't is any
> kind of backup...

This is a tradeoff.  Performance is an issue.  I installed a ReadyNAS
Duo exactly for this reason: to get the music and SBS off my laptop. 
The Duo is based on an old processor and has limited memory.  It was
under-powered for this application: slow Web server response, slow
indexing, etc.  I now have the ReadyNAS NVX.  It's working great.

The problem with splitting the functions (files on a NAS, SBS on a
laptop) is that I want the same availability and reliability for the SBS
as for the file server.  Now, with SBS running on the ReadyNAS NVX, the
server is always there.

This is not the cheapest solution.  There are lower-priced NAS boxes. 
One nice thing, at least for me, about the ReadyNAS boxes is that they
run linux and have ssh access.  If you're comfortable with a CLI, that's
much better than relying on the web interface for everything.

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