garym;535352 Wrote: 
> I suspect your recording process itself. Something to "hot" about the
> feed coming from your sound card. Although I'm not clear as to why the
> purchased mp3s have too much bass. As I mentioned, I have mp3 files
> (including downloads from Amazon), FLAC files, etc. I have no
> difference in bass response through my home stereo system (and it is a
> better than average system, including using the TRANSPORTER into preamp
> > amp).

Garym, many thanks. That sounds very logical - I guess my stereo system
will only be reproducing whatever is burnt on the CD, so it seems
reasonable to assume that the problem must lie further back in the
chain, as you suggest. Perhaps I should try a different sound card?
Anyone got any suggestions? (I won't blame you if it doesn't work!).

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