I actually did identify the curves in the text of my post - you must
have missed it.

I considered trying to restrict the function of Inguz to the LFs as
well, but haven't really noticed bothersome artifacts going full

I'm hoping to take another set of measurements soon to see how closely
the real corrected response corresponds to the test convolutions
generated by Inguz.  I recall reading in some earlier threads that the
test convolutions can be misleading.

Another interesting question - is such a flat response actually
desirable?  It gives great resolution of details - but sometimes sounds
a bit too controlled or flat particularly with very compressed
recordings.  Is the uneven response you might have in a particular
venue part of what makes the sound compelling - or is it solely the
dynamics of the live performance?

Considering the issues with the speaker placement, furniture position,
and opening to the adjacent room I thought it was pretty impressive
result and worth sharing.  I'm hoping more people will give it a try -
definitely beats spending lots of cash on equipment upgrades.


Server:  2.4GHz Intel iMac running Mac OS 10.6.2, SBS 7.5.0, Inguz DRC
Sources: SB3 (2), SB Boom, SB Radio, NAD C542, NAD T515
Amplification: NAD C720BEE
Loudspeakers:  Paradigm Studio 20 (v.1), SVS SB-12 Plus
Headphones:  Grado SR60, Etymotic ER4P

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