When I bought my SqueezeBox Duet and hooked it up digitally connected to
my DAC I was disappointed to find that the sound quality was not up to
the standard I was used to with my Teac Esoteric DV-50 as a CD
transport. And I just assumed that, OK, maybe one should not expect
better performance from such a cheap device as the SB Duet.

But recently I happened to check the transmitted bitrate with Netpersec
and relized that the SB server only sent data at a variable bitrate at
around half the bitrate for wav. I then found through this thread how
to change the settings so I got wav to be sent in its native format.
Actually, I never expected much difference. Flac is lossless
compression and many people seem not to be able to hear any difference
between the settings. But to my big surprise the difference was very
easy to hear. Now I got quite a bit more air, space and deeper
soundstage. Comparing this with the Esoteric I found that the SB was
now on par or even better than the Esoteric. I repeated the tests a
number of times, and there was no question about it, when using the
flac compression the sound got flatter and duller.

I do not know why the difference is so clearly audible in my system
when others cannot distinguish one configuration from the other. I know
that my DAC (the hand made Bremen Licence No. 1), although a great
performer when fed a high quality signal, is very sensitive to cheap
transports and poor digital cables, probably because it does not have
any jitter reduction. (I really had problems with previous transports
and cables than I have now.) Other DACs could be less senstive to a
small difference in the signal. Another possibility could be if there
are other bottle necks in the signal chain in a system obscuring the
difference. My system is pretty good and I have tweaked it quite a bit
to make it perform optimally, but then it is quite sensitive when
introducing imperfections in the system.

Anyway, I am very grateful that I found the information in this thread
how to change the settings. It made me quite a lot more satisfied with
my SB Duet.

Erik L
Erik L's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=37356
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=71321

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