Phil Leigh;579839 Wrote: 
> Rather have a Touch+DAC, personally. YMMV of course.

Phil or whomever also wishes to chime in:

As someone whose opinion here I highly value, I'm thinking of possibly
replacing my SBR with a Touch, but leaving everything else the same. 
I'm happy with what I have but would upgrade to the Touch if there was
the chance at a noticeable improvement.  In your honest
opinion--leaving the rest of my components the same---would you think
there would be enough of a difference to want to do this.  Let's say,
for the sake of discussion, that cost is no factor...I'm only wanting
to look at the improvement in sound.



System information
Duet SBC running 7.5.1 r9009, an SBR running firmware V 65.  Controller
and receiver configured in all-wireless set-up using Netgear WNDR 3700.

Running Squeeze Server 7.5.1 r30836  on Windows 7 64 bit/ HP Pavillion
w/Intel i7 processor

Marantz PM8003 integrated amp, Cambridge Audio DacMagic, Vienna
Acoustics Mozart Grand speakers, REL Acoustics R305 sub-bass, PS Audio
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