On 09/10/10 13:39, opaqueice wrote:
> Robin Bowes;581544 Wrote: 
>> Is that normal for Toslink? Are they usually so poor? Is there a trick
>> to getting them to plug in properly?
> Just to echo what Phil said, make sure you can see light coming from
> one end when the other is plugged into the active source, and make sure
> the plug clicks and locks lightly into place when you push it in.  

Yes, I did that.

It eventually started working when I plugged into the Transporter
*after* having connected to the DEQ, or at least that's the only sense I
could make of it. It seems to be working now.

Is it different to AES/EBU? Is it better? I don't know, and I'm not too
bothered! Both sound superb!

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