Mnyb;599414 Wrote: 
> Not to my knowledge , I don't have a TP so i can not have the bug (and
> therefore not report it) .
> Complaining in this tread won't accomplish a thing, a real bug report
> must be started a developer assigned to the bug and some suitable test
> track sent to Logitechwasn't complaining, was asking whether or not a bug has 
> been filed yet
and/or whether the dev's were dealing with it.

Mnyb;599414 Wrote: 
> possibly the Köln Concert with Keit Jarret in 24/96 from HD-tracks. that's 
> exactly what I've been trying to listen to.

Mnyb;599414 Wrote: 
> Work around by sending everything as pcm untill further 
> notice...Workaround...they've rendered the Transporter defective!


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