WAD62;611268 Wrote: 
> Firstly apologies if this has been done elsewhere, please point me in
> the correct direction if it has.
> I'm running 3 SBs (1 SB3, and 2 Receivers), along with a PC/Winamp
> combo against the same FLAC library (QNAP TS-119/SqueezeCenter 7.3.3).
> I've been messing around with Winamp, in particular FFSoX, and ASIO,
> which has spawned a few questions about the possible effects of some SB
> functionality.
> Volume; I set my SB receivers to 100% volume based on the supplied
> documentation, is this better quality because I'm avoiding the DSP, or
> as I vaguely recall reading something about the data being padded out
> to 24 bits prior to playing? As I said I use the volume on my amps so
> this isn't an issue for me.
> ReplayGain; I use 'Album' gain with my players, as I stated earlier
> I've been messing around with FFSoX as an input plugin for Winamp. One
> of it's claims is that it improves sound quality by applying ReplayGain
> to the input stream rather than at playback, thus avoiding the DSP at
> playback. Has anyone done any research into the effects of using
> Album/Audiophile ReplayGain on playback quality, and could the SoX
> claim be valid, or too trivial to notice...I do like and use the
> ReplyGain functionality.
> Crossfade; Again if I'm playing back a random collection, crossfade is
> a nice option, however for me not as important as ReplayGain. I'd
> imagine that crossfade must invoke some DSP processing or other. Again
> has anyone checked out it's effects on sound quality? I've just started
> using Winamp/ASIO as the route to my M-Audio soundcard on my PC, and
> noticed that crossfade is no longer functional (it requires direct
> sound for that), but the quality is improved, marginally...this is
> probably due to the direct link to my soundcard but it did make me
> wonder.
> Sorry for the rambling head dump, anyone with experience in these
> areas?

So I'm not sure what DSP processing you're referring to, but with
squeezebox devices the files are sent intact unless you transcode them
with some kind of filter (like Inguz or SoX) on the squeezebox server

The Squeezebox itself doesn't really have a "DSP" (with the exception
of the Boom).  All it does is apply a simple linear volume adjustment
to the bitstream.  The math for this is not as complicated as a DSP

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