On 15/03/11 17:53, Howard Turkster wrote:

> I'd be interested in how many people who believe there is no difference
> in sound quality between Radio Shack speaker cable and
> "premium"-labelled (and priced) speaker cable have A/B demoed the same
> in their homes.
> When I first broke in to the hobby, I listened to those who said there
> is no difference.
> After demoing A/B in my home, I abandoned that camp.  And I'm very
> grateful that I did.  My system is exponentially better than it had
> been IMO (and my wife's opinion, who didn't want to believe it) because
> of it.
> Note: I'm not advocating for $1,000 speaker wire over the standard
> "audiophile"-grade wire.  I'm advocating the latter over the RadioShack
> variety.

Ah, OK. So we actually agree.

My view is that cable needs to be "good enough" (ie. "standard
audiophile-grade wire" in your terminology).

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