Gazjam;622634 Wrote: 
> I use a custom convert.conf which uses SOX to upsample redbook, which i
> find preferrable in my system to un-upsampled.
> Placebo...expectation bias...who knows? ;)
> Sounds better to me, more fuller and better air around the
> instruments.
> I upsample to 88.2 rather than 96 as its a multiple of 44.1 as it
> better calms my audio OCD! :)
> Seriously though, upsampling to 88.2 does sound better (to me) than
> native redbook and 96khz.
> Just my £0.02 worth.

I decided to go with 24/96 because I figure the Transporter would
upsample to 96khz anyway. I really dont know what happens in hardware
in the DAC but it seems that many DACs upsample to 96 even though its
an off multiple of 44.1. I would go to higher multiples but those are
not supported. I didnt want to get crazy and try to hear a difference
between 88.2 and 96! Interesting that someone has found a difference. I
will take that into consideration when my OCD kicks in again!


System: modified Winsome Labs Mouse, modified Maggie MMG's, Transporter,
HSU sub 12, MSB DAC to 500 watt sub slave amp, JPS labs power cords,
Silver audio interconnect, Audioquest Granite speaker cable.
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