I imagine the Klimax owners will sell their 'spare' Klimax through ebay
or the normal channels. The upgrade isn't out yet, so that's why you
won't have seen any.

imo buy a Transporter to use as a transport to another DAC is misguided
as well as wasteful. Either the Transporter is good enough (for you) or
it is not. If you want a different DAC then any decent DAC should be as
good with a Touch as it is with a Transporter. But once you mate a
streamer with a separate external DAC you are, in a sense, going
backwards by introducing s/pdif and all it's problems. Which is why a
high quality network music player, like a transport or Linn DS or Naim
NDX for that matter to me makes more sense for you.

JezA's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=21219
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=87098

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