Phil Leigh;630452 Wrote: 
> This raises a very important issue that you may wish to consider (I
> certainly spent a long time pondering on this):
> I decided 2 years ago that I would never become totally dependent on
> any plugin that I couldn't maintain myself if I HAD to. Plugins are
> supported on a best efforts basis and the very complex ones such as
> Custom Browse/Scan need expert support. They can and will break and
> there are no guarantees for future support. I do NOT want to be locked
> into an old version of SBS.
> The only 2 plugins I rely on are MusicIP integration and Inguz, both of
> which have latent issues. I have a (radical) backout plan for Inguz -
> which I only use on 1 player anyway. I don't have a suitable fallback
> for MIP.  
> I stopped using Custom Browse/Scan for this reason - although I believe
> Erland will remediate them at some point. I think you should formulate a
> plan for the future.
> Going back to your immediate issue; you have eliminated your network as
> a problem, but not the server. Your reported problem with the wavin
> plugin makes me very suspicious of your server...especially as the
> common thread appears to be PCM streaming...
> Seem you are down to 2 possibilities:
> 1) Something wrong with your server
> 2) a problem with 7.5.x (on either the server or Touch or both.
> Just as a TEST - try installing 7.6, disable the custom browse/scan
> plugins and see if the rebuffering goes away. I appreciate this isn't a
> fix for your problem - you need Erland for that. I can't think of
> anything else to try at the moment.

Thanks for your ongoing advice.

I did try 7.6 briefly, but the time required to do it again to check
that a problem is fixed is not worth it for me.  It's a potentially
unstable beta, changes all the time, needs yet another rescan of my
library, requires disabling plugins I use all the time, and so on. 
7.5.3 (and indeed 7.5.4) works fine, except I can't transmit PCM at
24/96.  So I'll use FLAC.

I entirely take your point about plugins and the future.  I'm aware I
am relying on them, but SB itself doesn't have the tools I really want.
It's usable, but less than ideal.  If those plugins become defunct
(more than likely in a few years time) I can do one of two things.

A) I can stay on 7.5.3, which works (except PCM 24/96 transmissions -
why upgrade for just that?).  I have a copy of the server, and of the
plugins, so I think I'm safe in that respect (for a while).

B)I can use foobar, UpNp, and control the Touch from there using my SB
library including the special tags I have on my FLACs and foobar

No doubt foobar will also disappear, and future windows versions will
become an issue.  Hopefully another solution (that I can afford) will
arrive, and FLACS will be supported by something.  

I won't be throwing my CD collection away!

The issue with wavin was, oddly, resolved by using PCM rather than
using FLAC, so the issue is reversed on that topic.  Assuming that the
Task Manager was not telling porkies, the data was leaving my PC on
time, but being buffered in the Touch for a very long time.  However,
without tools to check this on the Touch I cannot be 100% sure.  I
can't see what else I can check on my PC.

It's also fascinating what people use.  I can't imagine why I would
ever want to use MusicIP.  Indeed I only dimly understand what it is
for.  No doubt others would fail to understand why I need extra tags on
my FLACs to include 'work', 'movement', 'work artist' and others.

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