In  the late 1980’s while in my impressionable late 20’s, I
suffered from a bout of what I would define as
“audio-mania”, that is a tendency to imagine I could hear
things dependent on:
1. Magazine reviews
2. Hi-fi shows
3. Price
4. Objective technical tests (square waves, noise figures, distortion
figures, wow, flutter, rumble, stylus compliance, frequency graphs etc
5. Inverse “button” snobbery (“less is more”)
6. Disdain for the humble “music system”.
7. How cool something looked.

I spent hours devouring the contents of glossy magazines and at hi-fi
shows drooling over the latest multi-thousand pound hi-fi goodies.  I
would convince myself based on these reports of double blind tests and
scientifically proven “facts” that one piece of equipment
was provably superior to another.

I would then go to a dealer, spend a cursory amount of time hearing
music played through said equipment, and then spend my hard earned

Over the following few weeks, it would gradually dawn on me that I
didn’t actually like the way that the piece of equipment played
my music and would feel grievously let down and stupid.

Finally, in 1991, I decided that I would actually go to a decent
dealer, sit down and listen to the equipment properly.  As much as
possible I would ask for this listening to be “blind”. 
With the exception of loudspeakers this was possible simply by sitting
with the equipment rack and dealer behind me while the dealer switched
things around.  Sure, not double blind, but pretty good nevertheless.

On one such trip I had equipment presented by a well known UK hi-fi
journalist, Alan Sircom.  I did not know it was him at the time but
recognised his picture later.  He played a trick on me by pretending to
connect up a Linn Sondek turntable when he was actually connecting a
Naim CD1 player.  The sound of the “Linn Sondek” blew me
away and I nearly ordered one on the spot.  It was a great prejudice
destroying trick as he clearly noticed that I was suffering from vinyl
prejudice problems.

Then he blind tested the Naim CD1 against the original Arcam Alpha for
me.  I “predictably and repeatedly” could not tell the
difference, so bought the Arcam and saved myself a packet of cash!  I
eventually also bought a Linn Sondek when blind tested against my
existing Rega Planar 3 – as I still wanted something to listen to
my 500 or so LPs on.  Unfortunately that meant spending most of the
money I saved by not buying the CD1.

After a similar session at a different dealer I replaced my expensive
integrated amp with a (then) cheap, used, slightly knocked about and
very unfashionable Naim 42/110 pre power combo.  A good thing that was
a “blind” test because I would never have bought it based
on its looks!

The whole process took about 3 months and endless patience on the part
of the dealers.  It totally cured my audiomania and upgrade-itis.  I
did not replace any of that equipment until I bought the Duet, and even
then for reasons other than sound quality. I have mixed and matched
since, adding other equipment for other rooms, but never "upgraded"
those original items. 

The moral of the story?  When it comes to listening to music, what is
“scientifically better" is totally irrelevant.  What matters is
what gives you the most enjoyment – and it takes time to test

Trying to be "objectively subjective" about how you feel is actually
very difficult.  Prejudice is a very powerful emotion and doing your
best to overcome it is the only way to end up with equipment that gives
you "measurable and repeatable” listening pleasure in the long

Having been cured of my hi-fi addiction I went out and bought more
music, went to concerts, took up sailing and met my future wife. In
other words I got a life.  A strategy I would humbly suggest many
contributors to this forum would benefit from ;)

So where does that put me in this argument?  Definitely on the side of
the blind listening test camp.  My only caveat being don't rely on
anybody else's blind test, only one you have done yourself. Only *your*
brain will tell you which of the pieces of equipment sound "best" to


*SqueezeBoxes:* SB Duet (Controller + two receivers)
*Server:* Synology DS107+ NAS (with firmware 2.3-1157) running
Squeezebox Server 7.5.3 on Synology Package Manager
*Network:* Netgear DG834GT ADSL modem/router, 2 x Buffalo WHR-HP-G54 as
access points
*Livingroom:* Receiver into Naim 42/110 amp, B&W CM2 speakers
*Kitchen:* Receiver into Denon DM37 mini-system, B&W 686 speakers
*Study:* Linn LP12, Naim 72/Hi-cap/Headline.
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