Dear Phil.

Welcome of the club of "Audiophiles" - you know what this means over
here - don't you. ;) It took you a while.

That PS tuning effect is known and been communicated numerous 
times over a long period of time. Almost any solution reported 
over here made a quite substantial improvement over the stock supply.
And the reported experiences never refered to analog only.

Interesting to see that something must have driven you to 
go for one of the most expensive solutions in the market. 

I can tell you though. It doesn't have to be a Teddy Pardo supply 
(I do have his regulators over here for quite some time). 
The PS parts (DC/DC converter and regulators) inside that Touch will
neutralize a certain amount of clean-up/regulation that supply is

Just read my aging blog. You'll find a lot more stuff you can use to
open new threads over here. By the time you're finished you can bury
your Touch. ;)

And. From the very beginning I told you to switch off convolution.
Convolution (even if done right - which is a major challenge - I'd
rather say almost impossible ) IMO just filters the sound to death.
Been there - done that. 
Of course you'll experience some nice effects when doing convolution.
A nice little toy to play with - and that's IMO about it.



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