Hi guys, I need a bit of advice on cabling!

I'm a long-standing Slim Devices user (still got a few SliMP3's in a
box somewhere... from back in the days of setting Perl up
manually...!). Currently running about a dozen outlets (3 Booms, the
rest SB3's).

I've just acquired a Transporter today (original, not SE) and have just
replaced an SB3 with it to get it in and working for now. To do this
I've just used the co-axial digital cable and ethernet cable I was
using for the SB3.

Now, I know that this kind if misses the point! So, here's the
question: what is the recommended audio cable method for a restricted

The amp in question is an old Pioneer AX-10 A/V amp, not a patch on the
kit that most of you guys will have, I'm sure, but it's all I have!

It's the original model, ten years old now, but was expensive when new.
It's not something I can afford to change, so no option there. There's
no balanced inputs either, so that's not an option.

I think it will come down to standard RCA / Phono style cables. I'm
aware that there are differences of opinion when it comes to cable, and
I don't want to start any 'my-cables-are-thicker-than-your-cables'
debates... just wondered what I can get on a budget in the UK that
anyone might have any experience of, either good or bad!

The stuff I tend to listen to in that room is mostly lossless FLACs,
occasionally MP3, often decent vinyl rips, but I do have a few
multi-channel bits and pieces... presumably I need to keep the digital
output connected for these?

Any help gratefully accepted!

Cheers, Pete

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