ralphpnj;657532 Wrote: 
> 1) Do cables matter when transferring digital data?
> 2) Do the Squeezebox family devices output a bit perfect digital data
> stream to either their internal DAC or to an external DAC?
> 2a) Are all bit perfect digital data streams of the same data
> identical?
> 3) Other than speed and dropouts is wireless streaming sonically
> inferior to wired streaming? 

good questions, I am happy to answer to the best of my knowledge

1) if you mean the coax digital output on the SB family, then most well
made coax cables do the job just fine, I have used the following with my
SB Receivers into various external dacs without any cause for alarm re
sq !

QED, Cambridge Audio, Van den Hul, Chord and Profigold, all much of
muchness to me. The science behind a good coax interconnect cable is


by the way, the article you reference is about HDMI cables, so nothing
to do with coax

2)  yes, Slimdevices did a really good job with the pcb layouts on the
Touch, the Duet Receiver, SB3 and Transporter. You only have to google
and read a few reviews to get the picture from the audiophile brigade.

This is good information I believe, please read all the comments as


3) the same, the SB receivers have a small buffer, so a bit like the CD
Playe in a car, if you hit some bumps in the road, the buffer kicks in,
if you have a pretty bad wifi signal strength network, then obviously
the buffer cannot keep up.


Infrant ReadyNAS 1000S Sparc CPU 512mb and SBS 7.6.1
SBS Remote Control via an iPad2 and Logitech app
Squeezebox Duet Receivers WiFi Connected x 3 
Musical Fidelity X-CAN v2 Headphone Amps x 3
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