Ha. That explains it. I only use it for ripping and cataloguing, which I find 
very good, and even then not using stuff any outside the iTunes folder 
structure (except that I don't put its music where it tells me to but in an 
external disk). I'm just by chance not using most of the stuff you hate. I 
haven't even synced my own iPod in an eternity (although the family ones get 
regular treatment, poor things, like dosing for worms).

As for the coding side - I may have worked in an IBM lab once upon a very 
distant time, but that is, alas, something of which I am completely ignorant. 
It doesn't entirely surprise me, given the rest of what you say, especially the 
hanging and crashing (which it used not to do many aeons ago, unless the rosy 
specs are on again).

Thanks. Now I know what to avoid with it.

On 3 Oct 2011, at 16:08, pippin wrote:

> cunobelinus;661038 Wrote: 
>> I would be interested to know why you say iTunes sucks, though, Pippin
>> because my experience of using it to rip and catalogue is exactly the
>> reverse. Is that for playback (for which I don't use it because I use
>> SBS and iPeng)? 
> Ironically, ripping an cataloging is not too bad, indeed.
> But my list of issues that really, really hurt in iTunes is just too
> long.
> 1. It hogs memory and CPU and crashes/hangs a lot.
> 2. It's library management is far from behaving nicely as soon as you
> do ANYTHING outside iTunes. Delete or move an audio file on your
> machine and you'll have to MANUALLY find and remove that file in
> iTunes. If you do so, it may happen that it automatically removes the
> song from devices you've uploaded it to.
> 3. It just can't handle several devices at a time. It has blown apart
> my address book numerous times when trying to sync with a iOS device I
> rarely use and this really, really, really sucks. Actually it's among
> the worst things a software can ever do to you and alone is reason
> enough to disqualify it. It happened to me so often that I've got quite
> a bit of routine in how to get the address book back and have it safe
> but I'm just so looking forward to no longer having to use iTunes for
> this...
> 4. Same for using more than one Mac/PC with your iThingy.
> 5. It's even worse for Apps because it just doesn't allow you to NOT
> sync Apps and it keeps installing and removing Apps from my devices by
> itself all the time. I've even lost Apps that are no longer on the App
> Store that way.
> 6. Why can't iTunes (and iThingies) play from a current playlist like
> everything else?
> iTunes is just a badly written mess of a software and is in urgent need
> of a complete rewrite. The library management part is just the best
> working part of it, it's not too bad.
> -- 
> pippin
> ---
> see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote and 
> *New: iPeng for iPad*, at penguinlovesmusic.com
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