My personal advice is that it is all too easy to think that a change of
DAC will make a difference and as a result you actually do hear a
difference where none actually exists. (Expectation tends to be
self-fulfilling). Pretty much all competent DACs sound very similar.

My moment of enlightenment happened several years ago when I
bought/borrowed a Lucid DA9624 on sale-or-return. (Thanks to Digital
Village in Barnet - nice people to deal with). The Lucid was an
entry-level 24bit 96kHz professional DAC - about £800 at the time - and
I compared it to the 16bit 44.1kHz DAC in my CD player - radically
different DAC technology. I thought the Lucid sounded marginally
better, but was surprised the difference wasn't greater. When I did a
level-matched blind test, I scored precisely 50%, ie. there was *no*
audible difference between the two.

DACs are probably the electronic component with the least influence on
the sound. Preamps are *way* more variable. IMHO a £200 DAC isn't going
to make much if any difference compared to the SB3's onboard DC. I'd
spend the money on some more music instead, or start a "speaker
upgrade" fund.


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