evdplancke;681230 Wrote: 
> Can someone give a try to latest SBGK settings with the following HD
> demo track from Nuforce:
> http://www.nuforce.com/hp/media/Nuforce%20Demo1/10%20-%20OutdoorAmbience.wav
> ?
> This illustrates perfectly my experience of metallic sound with these
> settings: the cymbal on the right channel is much more prominent than
> with other settings, due to better separation of instruments, what is
> rather good. However, the sound of the cymbal is not smooth, relaxed
> and round as if the hammer was lifted just after hitting the cymbal. It
> is as if the hammer was kept close to the cymbal and hindered relaxing
> the sound. Maybe an effect of the original recording, but I did not
> notice it before with other settings where it sounded more natural
> maybe because it was less highlighted and more mixed with other
> instruments. Does anyone share the same experience?

seems nicely balanced to me, certainly not too prominent, I would
expect a metal cymbal to sound metallic, in fact given that it is a
busy track with lots going on it sounds pretty good. which settings get
your foot tapping ?

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