magiccarpetride;681385 Wrote: 
> Some people seem to confuse this forum with the vendor-type help desk.
> Please try to realize that this forum is a 'grass roots' type of a
> forum, where all the bets are off and where various members are trying
> their best to contribute in order to see if improvements to the base
> product could be made. Or, in the spirit of the open source paradigm,
> 'given enough eyeballs all bugs are shallow'.
> What that means is that this forum is mostly based on various 'trial
> and error' attempts. Often times these trial-and-errors turn out to be
> the blind alley, but that's par for the course. Every now and then,
> someone strikes gold, and then we all benefit.
> Some members seem to not be able to withstand the intensity of this
> trial-and-error modus operandi, and so they complain bitterly and spoil
> the mood for everyone. Why are these people trying to discourage brave
> explorers from venturing out into the uncharted territory? I have only
> one explanation -- because they are fucking losers, that's why.
> So stop your fucking whining and crawl back into your parents'
> basements and continue jerking off on the free porn sites (and do us
> all a favor and try and get a meaningful relationship with someone out
> there in the real world). Leave adults alone to continue working on
> bettering their listening experiences.

Thanks for the education from another one on the far side. Missing you

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