Deaf Cat;682795 Wrote: 
> Wondered if you may be able to help me understand the lights on my
> router, and the buffer size thing.
> I have a wireless router wired to the LMS pc in the consevatory and it
> talks over the air to another wirelss router in the lounge to which the
> SBT is wired.
> On TT2 think I had the buffer down to about 5.5k knowing I have drop
> outs I was lowering the buffer size slowly bit at a time...  The arial
> light and the socket 3 into which the SBT is wired used to flash in a
> right panic for a short while and then take a breather for a while then
> go in to hyper mad flash mode again for a short while then have another
> rest.  I knew if the hyper flash panic was after a longer than usual
> breather there would be a drop out...
> Now with TT3 the buffer is set at default I think 3400, the lights
> flash in not such a mad panic but seem to flash for a lot longer and
> only have a split second or two rest before the stream of flashes
> continues.
> Would I be right in thinking with a smaller buffer information has to
> flow more constantly to keep the music flowing, rather than with a big
> buffer a heafty load of info is dropped music plays using the info up,
> while lights pause, and then when it runs low, another heafty load is
> dropped?
> Also if you don 't mind what is the difference :
> Soundcheck Quote (from install instructions):
> With this modification you will resize the Alsa buffer. It's the buffer
> from
> the Linux soundlayer to your device and NOT the streaming buffer on the
> ethernet receiver.
> Would some one be kind enough to explain in simple terms what the
> difference is, and we are altering the Alsa buffer, are we not?
> Many many thanks for you time ;-)
> Cheers
> DC

As far as I understand the buffer mods, the ALSA buffer is the otuput
buffer of the audiostream towards the internal/external DAC. The
streaming buffer is the input buffer from the network. When you plug
out the network, you'll still have for a few tens of seconds of music.
ALSA buffer of 4k is for 4 ms (milliseconds) of music. So I would not
expect a big impact of the ALSA buffersize on the way the streaming
traffic flows.

It would be however very interesting to have a view on the behavior of
both buffers and the processes handling these to have an idea of the
correlation between network traffic and buffersize on sound quality. I
suspect the optimum SQ would be reached when there is no queuing at
either side i.e. the network buffer is filled in at exact the same
speed as the ALSA buffer is emptied, in order to keep the processing
load as smooth as possible. This is pure theory however and I see no
way to check this.

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