I can only repeat and support what many have said here.  A reasonably
good DAC is source-agnostic, so it makes sense to spend on that point
onwards.  The sound you hear will depend on the DAC's analogue stage,
the pre-amp, the power amp and the speakers, but all your digital
sources will sound the same through that chain provided you invest in a
reasonable DAC.

So to put the opposite point of view, as per your Mexican stand-off,
the front end is the LAST place I need to spend a lot of money, except
perhaps to get features (touch screen, form factor etc) that I like.

The reason a good DAC makes more sense than a one box solution is, for
me, quite simple.  All my sources are now digital.  My DAC is my source
selector and I'm pleased with its sound.  Why should I spend money on
another DAC inside a one box solution?

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