Wombat;689087 Wrote: 
> Just create yourself such an impulse and apply a lowpass or resample it.
> The post and preringing only happens around fs/2 so above 20kHz. I did
> some and with a gentle filter kicking in around 20khz there is virtualy
> no ringing left.
> Of cause the picture of simply the impulse, not its spectrum is welcome
> for marketing :)
I agree that the impulse response is very misleading since it
represents the response of the filter to an impossible input.
BUt still  the effect of pre-ringing is confusing. Although it
represents to effect of the filter cutting off frequencies above the
stop band AFAIK it supposedly spreads out energy throughout the
passband. This is where i get confused because it supposedly does so
even though the filter has a flat response in the passband- how can it

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