Mnyb;689206 Wrote: 
> One isolated example if you try to be hifi intrested you soon realise
> all hardware is 5 to 10 times more expensive than it should be due to
> uneccessary over engineering, and even more expensive due that normal
> people are scared away from this hoby/cult add the wast amount of even
> more bizzare rech that performs worse than a chinese wallmart dvd and
> sells for 10000$
> so you are basically conned as soon as join the cult.
> So ex cult members feels like they been had :)
> And in general pseudoscience is more harmfull to society than many
> people credit, much more harmfull.
> and cult are very harmfull to you.
> Audiophilia is an obscure and benign example it may ruin a fammily
> economy and some relationships but not your health ( usually ). You
> divert resources to crap instead of suporting a usefull industry with
> your $ carbonfootprint for nothing anyone ?
> But as it is a subspeices of pseudoscience that are also an informal
> cult, it worries me .
> I'm in genral against pseudoscience it is a menace and penetrate
> society on all levels and do damage, llok at all the med quakery !
> And I'm also aginst cults as they destoy people .
> No audiophilia is not as bad as scientology or anthroposophy or
> homeophaty, or my pet hate creationism or any of that ilk :)
> But it is the same kind of wideeyed uncritical flawed thinking at work
> .
> Human decision making and society would gain a lot of you just take 5
> and think about things critically or 
> sceptically for a while now and then.
> The dark ages is a prime example , they burned people for heressy, we
> can get there again really quick.
> Imo religion have robbed humanity of at least 1000 years of development
> and countless millions have suffered. How many suffers from HIV due the
> catholics ban on condoms you tell me that BS is not harmfull :)
> Bs perverts the human mind thats the problem.

I must say that I agree with you wholehaeartedly. As Dilbert (comic
strip) engineer is fond af saying; "when did ignorance become a point
of view"


John Marshall
SqueezeCenter 7.3.4 running on a DIY PC, Windows 7 64 bit o.s., with
Inguz Audio EQ/DRC. (1) Transporter, & (4) Booms connected through a
Linksys WRT54gs router and Linksys WAP54g access point. Using an iPad
with both SqueezePad & iPeng for controllers. Transporter => Rotel
RC1070 preamp => Rotel RB1080 2 channel amp => Bowers & Wilkins 805

Headphone setup: Transporter => Woo Audio WA22 balanced headphone amp
=> Sennheiser HD800 headphones.
Squeezed_Rotel's Profile:
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