item_audio;692976 Wrote: 
> If you're serious about getting a digital front end to sound really
> good, in a costly system - like a good turntable or old-school high-end
> CD player - you inevitably have to deal with the issues I've outlined.
> Horses for courses.
I disagree. My speakers/amp combined cost over £3000. I also have a
vinyl front end which cost over £1500, years ago. Modest in the general
scheme of things, I know, and my turntable was criticised in some "hifi"
circles for sounding too "digital", lacking "bloom", whatever that
means, but I find the sound from the SB into a good DAC comparable. I
do not have to deal with your issues.
item_audio;692984 Wrote: 
> However, given that no-one stands to make a penny from the idea that
> rips or file formats differ, we can't even impute a commercial motive
> to the OP, who isn't even getting the right to reply. So that shouldn't
> annoy you.
There might not be a direct commercial angle to the TAS stuff under
discussion, it might be that the authors are simply insane (see the
recent quote that the original quality of a wave file cannot be
recovered from a losslessly-compressed file!). But more generally, this
sort of nonsense does feed, precisely, the fear, uncertainty and doubt
of the more afflicted audiophile, and as such creates the environment
in which dishonest people can sell snake oil. 

In any case, it annoys me, in the same way that the previously
mentioned homeopaths and creationists do, because I care about the
truth, in all areas of life.  
item_audio;692984 Wrote: 
> I've elsewhere argued that it's ethically indefensible for almost any
> interconnect to cost more than £500.
But you offer for sale (I nearly wrote "you sell", but that might be
going too far) several cables over that price, including an cable,
perhaps with unintentional irony called the "illusion", at well over
item_audio;692984 Wrote: 
> What really rubs on us, I think, is knowing that the highest levels of
> sound reproduction are only available to the privileged few who can
> afford them.
And you seem to want to make this situation worse by encouraging people
to spend money on solutions to problems that you can't even properly
define - the very definition of the FUD tactic. Might it be that
putting a cheap computer in a shiny box and fiddling with the software
before selling it for a relative fortune is much more profitable that
actually manufacturing anything worthwhile?

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