adamdea;694734 Wrote: 
> Deep Deep Deep sigh.
> I have noticed this bloke being cited as an authority, but frankly just
> being a record producer means jack shit.
> As far as i can work out this is a variant on the "distortion of cd at
> -60DB is 100%" nonsense. It is just plain wrong and stupid, and if
> written in the answer to an exam question would simply be marked as
> wrong. 
> It is not "up for debate" or "a matter of perspective" it is just plain
> gloriously wrong, and anyone purporting to know what they are talking
> about who repeats this rubbish should be shunned in polite society, or
> preferably pelted with manure.
> (headed the dynamic range of 16 bit)   
> One more time: a correctly dithered 16 bit signal may have broad
> spectrum noise at -93dB, but that doesn't prevent it from being able to
> resolve a signal well below that level. This is because the noise level
> in each portion of the spectrum is much lower than -93Db (even without
> noise shaping). Hence it is demonstrably possible to resolve a tone at
> -120DB in a 16 bit recording.
> So that harmonic information at -36DB below peak? Its still about 80 Db
> louder than the quietest noise you can encode and resolve with 16 bits.
> Even if its -36dB below a quiet noise at -40Db its still only -77dB.
> You have still got 40Db to play with.
> And there is no such thing as "encoded with only 12 bits". if this had
> any meaning you would not be able to record anything with a 1 bit
> stream (DSD).
> So no, Barry Diament has not shown anything.
> and btw I don't an instant believe that he has "shown" that he can tell
> 24 bit files from 16 bit under sensible and meaningful conditions.

Great response!

I respect Barry D and his excellent masters of stuff like ELP, Warren
Zevon and Bob Marley through the years. But when it comes to hardware
and opinions on 16/24 bits and sample rates, I really have to wonder.

A number of months ago I remember him on Steve Hoffman board talking
about how 24/192 was so much better than 24/96 (I think he even claimed
this jump was even more significant than 44 --> 96!). Here's a small
"All that said, I'm glad to see HDTracks introducing the 4x rates. To
my ears, when they are well done (an important qualifier), 24/176 and
24/192 cross a threshold and give us what digital promised from the
start but is only now starting to deliver - a truly superior medium for
recording and playback."

Then there's this nugget:

Apparently he can hear differences with realtime decoding of FLAC which
he attributes to jitter (I know I'm digressing here). Oh well...

Bottom line: Enjoy Barry's work on producing good music with decent
dynamic range, etc.  His opinions on audio otherwise should be taken
with large grains of salt / alcohol / hallucinogens.

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