pandasharka wrote: 
> Boy I didn't realise there was quite so much pent up negativity around
> here - chill pills chaps! I know there are trolls to be fed, but even
> so...
> Anyway, time for a goodbye. Am having a Linn Klimax DS and amps
> installed tomorrow - home trialled over Easter, and it was night and day
> over the SB, as I expected. Those people who proffer that all streamers
> dish out the same music are simply wrong.
> Goodbye and best wishes to those trying to turn green into gold. And
> also to those who enjoy the SBT for what it is and don't need to bother
> with some of the navel gazing / pissing contests.
> Best wishes
> Pandasharka
> ps. Dear mods, please de-activate this username as it is no longer
> needed / required.

another fantasy post, does the klimax play spotify ?

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