JJZolx wrote: 
> How does jitter get through an asynchronous interface? Isn't that a bit
> like talking about jitter on an Ethernet connection?

Good question, unfortunately things are not as simple as it seems on the
surface. The supposition goes that as long as you have a local clock,
the only jitter you can have is what is inherant to the clock itself,
but there is more to it. It's primarily noise on the groundplane. 

Let's first look at how "digital logic" works. You have transistor
circuits running in a high gain mode with a "threshold" which is some
ratio between the VDD and  VSS power nets (power and ground). The
signals going between chips are not perfect, they take a finite amount
of time to transition between a high and low (and low to high) state,
the voltage "ramps" between the states. Exactly when those transistors
"switch" is dependant on when that ramp reaches the threshold of the
receiver, and that threshold is dependant on the instantaneous voltages
on VDD and VSS. Thus any noise on either power or ground will cause the
time at which the threshold is reached to vary, otherwise known as

This noise on the supply nets comes from current flowing through the
"wires" in three places, the chip itself, the package the chip is in,
and the board the chip is soldered to. The first two are just influenced
by  what is happening in the receiving chip itself.  Note that this
includes all the input signals. Every time an  input changes state
current flows through circuitry in the chip causing noise which will add
to jitter of other input signals and outputs. How much noise happens
internally is extremely chip dependant. A very robust power network in
the chip will generate very little noise, but a very robust power
network increases chip size and cost, there is always a tradeoff here by
the chip makers. Certain chip functions (such as recloking flops) can
actually change the sound depending on which manufacturer and logic
family is used, simply because of variations in internal power networks.

Noise developed across package wires is similar to chip noise, though
much simpler since it is JUST dealing with the I/O signals. Here smaller
packages are usually better.

The groundplane is where all the fun comes in, because here we can have
chips whose signals are not connected affecting another chip, and
processing going on in a chip affecting another chip. Groundplanes are
NOT equipotential everywhere, currents flowing  through the plane DO
generate voltages across the plane. They are not  huge, but they ARE
there. Unless you are very careful about parts placement and groundplane
design it's very easy to have circuitry on the board causing noise which
can significantly increase the jitter of  that "ultra low jitter" clock
you are relying on to provide a very low jitter clock to your DAC chip.

I hope it's obvious by now that this groundplane noise is not static, it
ebbs and flows with the switching going on in the chips, which can
change due to jitter on the inputs of THOSE chips. Not just jitter but
things like packet timing (both USB AND ethernet) can have a big impact
on the dynamic nature of this groundplane noise. This is why my prefered
method is to have the USB receiver chip powered by VBUS with an isolator
on the OUTPUT signals going to the DAC chips. This way the ground planes
are completely separate and the noise caused by all the processing going
on in the USB receiver chip cannot get get into the sensitive DAC
groundplane. Jitter on the signals can still cause groundplane noise,
but that is much less than the noise from the processing in the receiver

Ethernet has exactly the same  issue (if not worse), ideally you would
have a separate ethernet processor  with an isolated groundplane so all
the stuff going on in there is  not producing noise getting coupled into
the groundplane around the clock and DAC chips. For something like the
Touch with an integrated processor there should  be separate groundplane
for all the digital stuff and the "audio" stuff (clocks, reclocking
flops, clock muxes, DAC chip, S/PDIF output).

So yes even an asynchronous interface with a local clock can be affected
by jitter and other timing issues on the input interface. The causes and
fixes are much more subtle and difficult to analyze than the "first
order" effects such as PLL jitter. Getting rid of them  in a design are
much more implementation detgails such as exactly how the groundplanes
are implemented and exactly where the chip are places and signals routed
rather tghan broad catagories such "asynchronous" or PLL or ASRC. These
are real and do affect sound but it's really hard to talk about in
marketing literature! 

John  S.

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