ralphpnj wrote: 
> Good question and somewhat tricky to answer. IMHO the main reasons for
> getting a Transporter used to be:
> 1) ability to play higher resolution files (up to 24bit/96kHz)
> 2) better internal power supply
> 3) better internal DAC
> 4) balanced analog outputs
> However with the introduction of the SB Touch some of these reasons are
> a bit less valid. The Touch can play hi-rez files and the Touch's stock
> power supply is much better than SB3 stock power supply. Plus the
> Touch's internal DAC is actually quite good.
> My suggestion is to see if you can manage to get a in home audition of
> an external DAC priced around the same as the Transporter SE ($750) and
> see if that provides a noticeable improvement to the sound of the
> Touch's analog outputs.
> The advantage of going with an external DAC instead of a Transporter is
> that in the future you can keep the Touch and just upgrade the DAC. Of
> course you could also use the Transporter with an external DAC but since
> the Transporter's internal DAC is one of the main reasons for spending
> the extra money why would you.
> In short the Touch -> external DAC is a more flexible and future proof
> solution than a Transporter alone.

I agree with Ralph. I really like my Transporter, but I'm just not sure
I'd replace it for $750. Not sure where the pricepoint would be ($500?).
Part of it is not even the money (heck I've purchased 3 Touches and 3
Radios just for backup players so I don't mind spending the money).  It
is probably 5 year old (or more) technology. I like having the quality
components in one box (DAC, power supply, network music player), but
DACs have become better and cheaper.  I personally like having the
Balanced Analog outs (but I can get this with DACs, including my older
Benchmark I that I use with a TOUCH).  If I ever moved from SB to
another system, a good quality DAC would still be useful. The
transporter not so much (although it can always be used as a DAC).

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