jh901 wrote: 
> But nevertheless, the difference will be shocking.

That sentence alone marks a big difference between us. 

Yes, I prefer clean recordings more than poor ones. While I have been
irritated at finding I've purchased a CD suffering too much from the
"loudness wars" syndrome, that was pretty much the same reaction I had
40 years ago when I opened a new LP only to find it sounded like the
stamper should have been replaced a couple of thousand pressings before
it got to mine. 

I realize some think of Steve Hoffman as a miracle worker, but I've
never regarded him as a gold standard. In fact, one doesn't have to do
much reading to find out that just about as many people are bothered by
his work as are impressed. In my case, I find he does generally good
work but don't buy or not buy a recording just because his name is
attached. If you want me to get all excited because he worked on BMG's
"Super Seventies" or "The Venture's Christmas Album", I'll just have to
take a pass. 

As for the Beatles, yes I like 'em. They were pretty hot stuff when I
was young, but unlike many aging audiophiles, it doesn't take much to
satisfy my infrequent urge for classic rock material. That's probably
less than 10% of my listening time. I spend far more time exploring
new-to-me music or visiting with my jazz and classical collection.

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