garym wrote: 
> It used to almost be that way here in US.  I went to state university as
> undergrad and my tuition cost was about $200 a semester. Almost free.
> But public universities have gone from state supported to state assisted
> to state located (ie in name only).  Legislators have become
> anti-education. They see universities as elitist places that study
> science and make up climate change data and create liberals. They prefer
> voters that think cavemen rode dinosaurs. Of course many universities
> are more concerned with sports and building beautful dorms that rival
> luxury condos. Plenty of blame to go around. Sorry for the off topic
> rant...

SoftwireEngineer wrote: 
> Good to know the history in the US. I went to school in India. Inspite
> of the almost free university education, my parents could not afford the
> dorm fees. Scholarships helped me on this front. I think the education
> system in the US needs to be seriously revisited to compete with
> state-sponsored education in India, China etc.

At the height of the availability of low cost and free college in the US
(in the 1960s and 1970s the city universities of NYC were tuition free)
the US experienced lots of student unrest, which was fueled by the
anti-Vietnam war movement. So now the US has done away with both low
cost/free college and the draft and guess what - no more student unrest.
The poor go off to fight the wars and the rich get to go to college.
Isn't the US great!

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