bartman wrote: 
> The biggest difference between the Touch and the Transporter (apart from
> the size, look and the cost ) is the built in DAC on the transporter
> (which is rated quite highly by several reviewers) and the multitude of
> input and output connections on the transporter -- Analogue / digital
> spdf / coax / BNC -- you can actually input another device into the
> transporter and use it as a DAC.  
> A Modwright modified transporter adds a tubed analogue output stage to
> the transporter -- and results in a very high end great sounding device
> ---- you could always add a comparable DAC to the Touch and get the same
> sounding results ------ but the Transporter has a cool look that
> integrates well with the rest of your audio gear 
> Comparing the sound of the Touch to the Transporter depends entirely on
> what DAC you are running the Touch into ------ they are both limited to
> 24/96 digital files -- but I believe there are plug-ins for the Touch
> that will allow (with a proper DAC) higher bit rate files to play ------
> I don't think there are any work-arounds to allow 192 khz files to play
> on the Transporter ( if someone knows this is possible -- p-lease
> respond - as I'd like to get that working ! ) 

My question would be, what is the evidence that the built in DAC in the
Touch is inferior to that in the Transporter?  I'm not actually
delusional enough to believe that I (as distinct from others with more
refined sensibilities) would actually find an advantage in a separate
DAC for either product.


LMS on a dedicated music server (FitPC2)
Transporter (ethernet) - main music listening, Onkyo receiver, Paradigm
Duet (wifi) - home theatre 5.1, Sony receiver, Energy speakers
Boom 1 (wifi) - workspace
Boom 2 (wifi) - various (deck, garage, etc.)
Radio (wifi) - home office
Touch x 2 - awaiting deployment
UE Radio - awaiting deployment
Control - 2 Controllers (main listening, home theatre, all others),
Squeeze Remote (on Surface Pro 2), Music2Touch (BB Playbook)
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