cliveb wrote: 
> As I read the response that you posted here, I was struck by the thought
> that you seemed to be bending over backwards to try and avoid offense.
> Had it been me commenting on the CA article, it would have been
> something more along the lines of "there is no rational explanation for
> this drivel other than that you are clinically insane". But of course
> that would be unlikely to get past moderation  :-)

I think it's good to be gracious. :-)

After years of arguments with audiophiles locally and debates with folks
on various audiophile forums; often reaching ridiculous levels
approaching religious wars, I figured there's no point continuing unless
there was some way to elevate the discussion (measurements, experiments,
surveys, etc...) Ultimately, I cannot deny a person of his "feeling" of
"opinion", so the best I can do is appeal to (hopefully) his sense of
logic and appreciation that audio (especially digital audio) is based on
engineering and science rather than some kind of magic. Therefore there
is truth to be found using appropriate empirical principles. And if
truly some people refuse to even agree at this basic level, fruitful
discussion is likely impossible.

-"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts."
-- Daniel Patrick Moynihan-

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