Mnyb wrote: 
> The really stupid part is that I'm a person who should know better being
> an electrical engineer ...

Same here!  In fact, I decided to get into EE because of my interest in
the hobby back in the 1970s.

Mnyb wrote: 
> i think my own involvement in the general sceptic movement actually made
> me see the errors in my own ways .

Same here again!

Here are some of my previous blunders:

In the mid 1980s through the early 1990s, I bought:
Linn Sondek turntable

Magnepan MGIII speakers
Upon arriving home, I read the manual, only to find that they
recommended sending the ribbon tweeters back to the factory once a year
for rebuild.  According to the manual, "It's the price we pay for the
highest quality sound reproduction".  Of course, none of the reviews of
the speakers mentioned this, nor did anyone at the place that sold them.
I wonder why?  Speaking of the place that sold them, it was an audio
shop in Woodland Hills, CA whose name I can't recall.  The people there
would not even help me get the beasts into my car.  Two years later, the
speakers started making a buzzing sound due to delamination of the
"voice coil" from the mylar diaphragm to which they are glued.
When they worked properly, they did sound good though.

Krell preamp
Krell KSA-100 class A amp
Great heater for those hot summer days!

Various audiophile CD players.  At least three of these died after one
year's use.
In the early 2000s, I bought a universal player when my current player
died.  I got into DVD-A back when Fry's Electronics was selling them for
$12 apiece.  Some of them sound really good, like Workingman's Dead and
American Beauty.  But these are remixes.  I have since ripped them to
FLAC using DVD-A Explorer.

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